Monday, January 23, 2012


Oh boy, am I a procrastinator or what?  Despite that terribly negative trait, I have managed to complete the 20-page questionnairre necessary for our home study.  Lots of thoughtful answers went into many of the answers could have been "it depends on the situation", but of course, that wasn't how it ended up.  I should have had fingerprint samples sent out to DCI weeks ago, because it takes 6 weeks to get them processed, but I haven't done it yet!  Mostly because it means Bruce leaving work a little early one day, so we can run to Toledo before they close...not to mention the fact that I haven't scheduled physicals yet either...ughhhhhh....just get it done!

Nonetheless, the process continues.  We are set up for our home study on Feb 4th, and I am actually looking forward to it!   This slight perfectionist-living-in-an imperfect home is thankful there is snow on the ground to hide the plants that should have been cut back in the fall!  They were looking pretty scraggly.  So we will try to pull together a couple of unfinished projects in the next couple of weeks, leading up to the Feb 4 deadline!  Hmmmm...thinking I may actually get a countertop in my master bath...and a second sink installed!  It's been sitting in a box, waiting to be installed for nearly FIVE years...seriously....seems crazy!  That will bring us just one step closer to a finished bathroom!  :)